Monday, October 26, 2009

Fall 2009

Here is the Lacrosse team from the AFA coming to school to show the kids how to play lacrosse.

Gavin learning to throw the lacrosse ball.

The whole crew

Front yard decorations for Halloween 2009

Pumpkin we carved for Grandma Carol-- Gavin picked it out and he knew she would enjoy dead Elvis!

Snake Eyes

Snake Eyes on the gondola ride at Boo at the Zoo.
Gavin and Rob went as I was working and Sunday was suppose to be snowing so they went while it was still nice.

Gavin at the entrance of the slime factorySnake Eyes with his candy stash!

Gavin with Star Wars troopers

Gavin making spiders

Minty spiders, made with the help from Grandma Carol

Snow on the trees 10/26/2009

S Snow on our halloween cemetary

1 comment:

CoffeeMom said...

nice to see the buggie!! Glad that the trickertreat bag is still holding up after all these year. I need my little ninja down here!!!
