Thursday, February 10, 2011

February 2011

So this year is really moving!  Right now am working on my son's birthday party.  He wants a pirate theme so I have the invites done (Thanks Mom!), cupakes started for school, made chocolate suckers for the party and chocolate pirate markers for cupcakes, ordered a Pirate themed wall, filled gift bags and have been given detailed instructions on how to make the cake!  So now I have plans for how that will work-- wish me luck that it turns out the way he wants it!!!

I am still staying on track with my Reading the Bible in 90 days, I have a hard time on the weekends but play catch up during the week.  I am finding out interesting things and for sure will have to try this again in the future and actually use the guide that I bought to really focus on the reading.  I believe that now that I have gotten out of the family tree section of the bible it will go eaiser-- I am into the Psalms and enjoying it much more!

I read "Eat, Pray, Love" and really enjoyed it, so I bought the movie and am very glad I read the book first or I don't think I would have know what was going on in the movie.  But I did enjoy them both!!!  I am looking forward to the summer movies-- especially the Thor and Captain America!

So I am trying a little more with blogging-- so check out the upcoming pages!
Have a great rest of the month!

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